The Fajr Prayer Time
It begins at the end of the night when the horizontal line of light appears in the horizon. Not the earlier vertical light. The Fajr Prayer time hands when the disk of the sun first appears on the horizon with reference to a flat landscape.
The Thuhr Prayer Time
It begins once the sun has passed the midpoint of the sky, and the shadow has started moving towards the east. The Thuhr Prayer time ends when the length of the shadow of all things becomes equal to the length of the thing itself, after having subtracted the length of the shadow when the sun is in the midpoint of the sky. Abu Hanifa said that its time does not end until the shadow becomes equal to twice the length of the thing itself after subtracting the shadow at the sun's midpoint.
The Asr Prayer Time
It begins when Thuhr ends. The Asr Prayer time lasts until the disk of the sun disappears completely in the west with reference to a flat landscape.
The Maghrib Prayer Time
It begins when Asr ends. The Maghrib Prayer ends when the white light in the western sky disappears, after all the redness has already disappeared. According others it ends when the redness disappears.
The Eishaa’ Prayer Time
It begins when the Maghrib Prayer ends. The end of the Eisha Prayer is when the Fajr Prayer begins.
The Witr Prayer Time
Its time is like the time of Eishaa prayer, but it's not prayed until after the Eishaa prayer.